Van Gogh Painting QR Code used in Art Gallery

In a gallery or museum, QR code can be posted next to the paintings or sculptures, by scanning the QR code, visitors can get more information about the paintings, background of the artists and other related works. QR code can be used on the premiums which sold in the museum gift shop, and also on the posters inside the museum.

在畫廊或博物館內,QR code亦可張貼在畫作或雕塑品旁,可讓參觀者透過掃描該作品的QR code得到更多有關作品的資訊、藝術家的背景及其他創作。QR code甚至可用於館內禮品店所銷售的精品上,以及於館內張貼的海報上。

在画廊或博物馆内,QR code亦可张贴在画作或雕塑品旁,可让参观者透过扫描该作品的QR code得到更多有关作品的资讯、艺术家的背景及其他创作。 QR code甚至可用于馆内礼品店所销售的精品上,以及于馆内张贴的海报上。


Van Gogh Painting QR Code by

Cat image QR Code used in Pet Tag!

Have you ever considered to create a personalized Picture QR Code for your kitten cat? That means the QR Code with your cat’s photo. When you scan the Picture QR Code, all the information related to your kitten cat can be read immediately. If your cat get lost, someone scan its Picture QR Code will know who is its master and information of your pet. So, come and create one for your kitten cat now!

Pet QR Code
Pet QR Code

Cat image QR Code designed by

Use of Picture QR code (2)

Use of Picture QR code (2)

In a gallery or museum, QR code can be posted next to the paintings or sculptures, by scanning the QR code, visitors can get more information about the paintings,background of the artists and other related works. QR code can be used on the premiums which sold in the museum gift shop, and also on the posters inside the museum.

有效運用Picture QR code (2)

在畫廊或博物館內,QR code亦可張貼在畫作或雕塑品旁,可讓參觀者透過掃描該作品的QR code得到更多有關作品的資訊、藝術家的背景及其他創作。QR code甚至可用於館內禮品店所銷售的精品上,以及於館內張貼的海報上。

妙用二维码 (2)

在画廊或博物馆内,QR code亦可张贴在画作或雕塑品旁,可让参观者透过扫描该作品的QR code得到更多有关作品的资讯、艺术家的背景及其他创作。 QR code甚至可用于馆内礼品店所销售的精品上,以及于馆内张贴的海报上。


Picture QR Code with tiger image