What is Landing page?

What is Landing page?

Besides storing information and hyperlink in the PQRcode (Picture QR code), we provide a landing page technology for user to storing information. A number of functions are provided in the landing page to support different applications.

Basic landing page types

Facebook PQR, Twitter PQR, Google PQR, Linkedin PQR, Skype PQR, SMS PQR, Youtube PQR, GMap PQR, URL PQR, vcard PQR, calendar PQR, Business page PQR, Coupon PQR, All in one PQR, Email PQR, PhoneNo. PQR, Text PQR, Leaflet PQR.

Advanced landing page types


With the forumPQR, you can join a forum after you scan a forumPQR. You can share your view about a product that the forumPQR is affixed or ask information about the product through the chatting with the sale support in the forum.


Consider When you go to a shopping mall to find a restaurant for dinner, you need to get a queueing ticket to wait for a table. if you are interested in two or more restaurants, you need two or more people to help to get the queueing ticket and wait at the outside of these restaurants. We provide a queueingPQR to solve the problem, when you scan a queueingPQR that is posted in the lobby, the poster displayed in the shopping mall or in front of the restaurant, a queue number will be assigned to you and you are immediately getting in a queue for the restaurant. When you interested in two or more restaurants, you just need to scan their queueingPQR and you are immediately getting in the queues of these restaurants too. With the help of queueingPQR, you can go to shopping awhile and as the same time can waiting for tables from restaurants by using your mobile.


registerPQR help you to make a reservation for product samples, a position for a talk etc. When you scan a registerPQR, a registration is immediately done.


With the help of pollingPQR, you will know the preferences of your targeted customers by asking them to vote for the products they like, you can make use of the result to plan your marketing strategy afterward.


When you go to a restaurant, there is usually only one or two menu books can be provided; if you go with a group of friends, you all have to take turn to read the menu books, it will be very inconvenient and wasting time. By scanning the menuPQR placed on the table stand, all people can read the menu at the same time. Moreover, with the use of menuPQR, restaurant can update the menu easily, frequently and environmentally.

Source: http://www.meftc.com

Picture QR code
Picture QR code
Picture QR code
Picture QR code
Picture QR code
Picture QR code
Picture QR Code
Picture QR Code

Use of Picture QR code (10)

Use of Picture QR code (10)

When drinking wine in the restaurant, just scanning the QR code printed on the wine bottle, information such as the year of production, origin of vineyards, brewing method and costume snacks can be glanced.

有效運用Picture QR code (10)

在餐廳內品嚐葡萄酒時,只需輕輕掃描印刷在葡萄酒瓶上的QR code,有關該葡萄酒的生產年份、葡萄園、釀製方法、配襯小食等資料即可一覽無遺。

妙用二维码 (10)

在餐厅内品尝葡萄酒时,只需轻轻扫描印刷在葡萄酒瓶上的QR code,有关该葡萄酒的生产年份、葡萄园、酿制方法、配衬小食等资料即可一览无遗。

Source: http://www.meftc.com

Adding image into QR Code - Picture QR code with sales image can be used in retail industry, come and create qr code with your own image at meftc.com
Adding image into QR Code – Picture QR code with sales image can be used in retail industry, come and create qr code with your own image at meftc.com

Use of Picture QR code (9)

Use of Picture QR code (9)

When you enjoy the delicious coffee, just scanning the QR code printed on the coffee cups, information such as the origin of coffee, production process and costume snacks can be glanced.

有效運用Picture QR code (9)

在享受香濃味美的咖啡時,只需輕輕掃描印刷在咖啡杯上的QR code,有關該咖啡的產地、調泡方法、配襯小食等資料即可一覽無遺。

妙用二维码 (9)

在享受香浓味美的咖啡时,只需轻轻扫描印刷在咖啡杯上的QR code,有关该咖啡的产地、调泡方法、配衬小食等资料即可一览无遗。

Source: http://www.meftc.com

Adding image into QR Code - Picture QR code with sales image can be used in retail industry, come and create qr code with your own image at meftc.com
Adding image into QR Code – Picture QR code with sales image can be used in retail industry, come and create qr code with your own image at meftc.com

Use of Picture QR code (8)

Use of Picture QR code (8)

On the packaging of Fresh fruits and vegetables, a QR code can also be affixed on it,by scanning the QR code,information such as: the origin of farm, cultivation methods, production date and other information can be found immediately.

有效運用Picture QR code (8)

在新鮮蔬果的包裝上亦可貼上有關產品的QR code,只需掃描一下QR code,包括關於該出品農場的信息、種植方法、生產日期等資料可一一呈現。

妙用二维码 (8)

在新鲜蔬果的包装上亦可贴上有关产品的QR code,只需扫描一下QR code,包括关于该出品农场的信息、种植方法、生产日期等资料可一一呈现。

Source: http://www.meftc.com

Adding image into QR Code - Picture QR code with sales image can be used in retail industry, come and create qr code with your own image at meftc.com
Adding image into QR Code – Picture QR code with sales image can be used in retail industry, come and create qr code with your own image at meftc.com

Use of Picture QR code (7)

Use of Picture QR code (7)

On the packaging of puzzle game or puzzle, a QR code can be pasted on it in which allowing the players to watch the game demonstration clips or preview the puzzle picture before starting the game

有效運用Picture QR code (7)

在益智遊戲或拼圖的包裝盒上,可貼上有關遊戲的QR code,讓玩家在開始遊戲前可先收看該遊戲之示範片段或預覽拼圖原圖。

妙用二维码 (7)

在益智游戏或拼图的包装盒上,可贴上有关游戏的QR code,让玩家在开始游戏前可先收看该游戏之示范片段或预览拼图原图。

Source: http://www.meftc.com

Adding image into QR code - Picture QR code with dog (pets) image, come and create QR code with your image at www.meftc.com now!
Adding image into QR code – Picture QR code with dog (pets) image, come and create QR code with your image at http://www.meftc.com now!

Use of Picture QR code (6)

Use of Picture QR code (6)

In the supermarket or grocery store, respective QR code can be pasted on the food shelves,so that customers can easily and quickly understand the food composition, country of origin and recipes of the food and so on.

有效運用Picture QR code (6)

在超市或雜貨店的食品貨架上,可貼上有關的QR code,讓顧客能快速了解該食品的成分、產地及食譜等。

妙用二维码 (6)

在超市或杂货店的食品货架上,可贴上有关的QR code,让顾客能快速了解该食品的成分、产地及食谱等。

Source: http://www.meftc.com

Adding image into QR code - Picture QR code can also be used in retail industry, come meftc.com and create one for your own.
Adding image into QR code – Picture QR code can also be used in retail industry, come meftc.com and create one for your own.

Use of Picture QR code (5)

Use of Picture QR code (5)

Whatever residential or commercial units for sale or rent, a QR code can also be printed on advertisements or posters, by scanning the scan the QR code,the unit price of the property, floor plans and video of unit virtual tour will be displayed.

有效運用Picture QR code (5)

不論是住宅還是商業單位出售或出租,亦可在廣告或海報上印上QR code,只要掃描一下QR code,有關物業的單價、平面圖及單位內部視頻等資料亦一目了然。

妙用二维码 (5)

不论是是住宅还是商业单位出售或出租,亦可在广告或海报上印上QR code,只要扫描一下QR code,有关物业的单价、平面图及单位内部视频等资料亦一目了然。

Source: http://www.meftc.com

Picture QR Code in tiger image
Picture QR Code with bird image

Use of Picture QR code (4)

Use of Picture QR code (4)

Video kiosks are usually installed at the shopping malls, the stations or business sites which provide information for the customers, QR code then can be displayed on the video kiosks. By scanning the QR code, customers can store the information in the phone, or even allowing companies to keep in touch with their customers, gathering feedback, entertaining

有效運用Picture QR code (4)

不論在商場內、車站內、營業場所內,QR code亦可顯示在視頻服務亭上(video kiosks),人們可透過掃描視頻上的QR code把資訊儲在手機內,甚至作出一個溝通渠道讓公司取得顧客的意見、為顧客提供娛樂遊戲。

妙用二维码 (4)

不论在商场内、车站内、营业场所内,QR code亦可显示在视频服务亭上(video kiosks),人们可透过扫描视频上的QR code把信息储在手机内,甚至作出一个沟通渠道让公司取得顾客的意见、为顾客提供误乐游戏。

Source: http://www.meftc.com

Picture QR code with butterfly image

Use of Picture QR code (3)

Use of Picture QR code (3)

Beyond the historical sites and old buildings, you can affix a sign with a QR code,that QR Code can be linked to the introduction of Wikipedia, Youtube videos,and even some historical photographs, in order to introduce the background of the historical building,construction methods and significance of history.

有效運用Picture QR code (3)

在歷史遺跡和舊建築旁,可在介紹牌上貼上QR code,這個QR Code可連結至維基百科的介紹、Youtube影片,甚至一些歷史圖片,以介紹該歷史建築的背景、建造方法及其歷史意義。

妙用二维码 (3)

在历史遗迹和旧建筑旁,可在介绍牌上贴上QR code,这个QR Code可连结至维基百科的介绍、Youtube影片,甚至一些历史图片,以介绍该历史建筑的背景、建造方法及其历史意义。

Source: http://www.meftc.com

Picture QR code with tiger image

Use of Picture QR code (2)

Use of Picture QR code (2)

In a gallery or museum, QR code can be posted next to the paintings or sculptures, by scanning the QR code, visitors can get more information about the paintings,background of the artists and other related works. QR code can be used on the premiums which sold in the museum gift shop, and also on the posters inside the museum.

有效運用Picture QR code (2)

在畫廊或博物館內,QR code亦可張貼在畫作或雕塑品旁,可讓參觀者透過掃描該作品的QR code得到更多有關作品的資訊、藝術家的背景及其他創作。QR code甚至可用於館內禮品店所銷售的精品上,以及於館內張貼的海報上。

妙用二维码 (2)

在画廊或博物馆内,QR code亦可张贴在画作或雕塑品旁,可让参观者透过扫描该作品的QR code得到更多有关作品的资讯、艺术家的背景及其他创作。 QR code甚至可用于馆内礼品店所销售的精品上,以及于馆内张贴的海报上。

Source: http://www.meftc.com

Picture QR Code with tiger image