support both dynamic and direct modes support both dynamic and direct modes

Traditional QR code application often stores information directly into the QR code or store a hyperlink that directly link to a target website. This mode is called direct mode. This mode is supported in our solution. Besides the direct mode, we offer a dynamic mode to the user. In the dynamic mode, information or the hyperlink is stored in a landing page in our website instead of directly storing in the PQRcode (Picture QR code). A number of functions are provided in the landing page to support different applications. Also, our landing page technology provides visiting statistic report, this help user to know how their page are visited by the user. Whenever a user scans a PQRcode (Picture QR code), the user will be directed to a landing page stored in our site. With this landing page technology, user does not need to make hosting for storing company webpage and buy a service or hire a programmer for writing the webpage. This saves the cost of the company.


Picture QR code
Picture QR code
Picture QR code
Picture QR code
Picture QR code
Picture QR code
Picture QR code
Picture QR code