Butterfly Picture QR Code in Park & Garden

QR code can also be affixed on the posters or billboards in the Park or Garden, tourists just simply scan the QR code, information such as butterfly details, country of origin, feeding methods can be found, which can educate the children. See the following example:

在公園或花園的海報或宣傳牌上貼上QR code,遊人只需掃描QR code便可得知該蝴蝶的資訊、來源地及飼養方法,對小孩而言更有教育意味。以下為使用範例:


Butterfly Picture QR Code by http://www.meftc.com

Butterfly image QR Code used in Park or Garden

QR code can also be affixed on the posters or billboards in the Park or Garden, tourists just simply scan the QR code, information such as butterfly details, country of origin, feeding methods can be found, which can educate the children. See the following example:

在公園或花園的海報或宣傳牌上貼上QR code,遊人只需掃描QR code便可得知該蝴蝶的資訊、來源地及飼養方法,對小孩而言更有教育意味。以下為使用範例:

Butterfly QR Code
Butterfly QR Code

Butterfly image QR Code designed by Meftc.com