Pyramide du Louvre Picture QR Code in Travel Guide

Beyond the historical sites and buildings, you can affix a sign with a QR code, that QR Code can be linked to the introduction of Wikipedia, Youtube videos, and even some historical photographs, in order to introduce the background of the historical building, construction methods and significance of history.

在歷史遺跡和建築旁,可在介紹牌上貼上QR code,這個QR Code可連結至維基百科的介紹、Youtube影片,甚至一些歷史圖片,以介紹該歷史建築的背景、建造方法及其歷史意義。

在历史遗迹和建筑旁,可在介绍牌上贴上QR code,这个QR Code可连结至维基百科的介绍、Youtube影片,甚至一些历史图片,以介绍该历史建筑的背景、建造方法及其历史意义。1461568214_Tvqr_210

Pyramide du Louvre Picture QR Code by

Cat Picture QR Code used in Pet Tag

Have you ever cosidered to create a personalized Picture QR Code for your kitten cat? That means the QR Code with your cat’s photo. When you scan the Picture QR Code, all the information related to your kitten cat can be read immediately. If your cat get lost, someone scan its Picture QR Code will know who is its master and information of your pet. So, come and create one for your kitten cat now!

Cat Picture QR Code designed by

Dim Sum Picture QR Code used in Food Menu

QR code can also be printed on the food menu in the restaurant , by scanning the QR code, information such as food ingredients, cooking demonstration videos and customer’ rating can also be read. Below please find the example:

在餐廳菜譜上印上QR code,以連接該款美食的食材、烹調視頻及並他食客的評分。請見以下範例:


Dim Sum Picture QR Code by

Flower Picture QR Code used in Park

QR code can also be affixed on the posters or billboards in the Park or Garden, tourists just simply scan the QR code, information such as flower details, country of origin, planting methods can be found, which can educate the children. See the following example:

在公園或花園的海報或宣傳牌上貼上QR code,遊人只需掃描QR code便可得知該植物的資訊、產地及種植方法,對小孩而言更有教育意味。以下為使用範例:


Flower Picture QR Code by

Dog Picture QR Code used in Dog Magazine

Have you ever cosidered to create a personalized Picture QR Code for your Puppy Dog? That means the QR Code with your puppy’s photo. When you scan the Picture QR Code, all the information related to your puppy dog can be read immediately. If your dog get lost, someone scan its Picture QR Code will know who is its master and information of your pet. So, come and create one for your puppy dog now!

Dog Picture QR Code by

Greece Picture QR Code used in Travel Guide!

Beyond the historical sites and old buildings, you can affix a sign with a QR code, that QR Code can be linked to the introduction of Wikipedia, Youtube videos, and even some historical photographs, in order to introduce the background of the historical building, construction methods and significance of history.

在歷史遺跡和舊建築旁,可在介紹牌上貼上QR code,這個QR Code可連結至維基百科的介紹、Youtube影片,甚至一些歷史圖片,以介紹該歷史建築的背景、建造方法及其歷史意義。

在历史遗迹和旧建筑旁,可在介绍牌上贴上QR code,这个QR Code可连结至维基百科的介绍、Youtube影片,甚至一些历史图片,以介绍该历史建筑的背景、建造方法及其历史意义。


Greece Picture QR Code by

Flower Picture QR Code in Park

QR code can also be affixed on the posters or billboards in the Park or Garden, tourists just simply scan the QR code, information such as flower details, country of origin, planting methods can be found, which can educate the children. See the following example:

在公園或花園的海報或宣傳牌上貼上QR code,遊人只需掃描QR code便可得知該植物的資訊、產地及種植方法,對小孩而言更有教育意味。以下為使用範例:


Flower Picture QR Code by

Kiwi Fruit Picture QR Code used on Packaging

On the packaging of Fresh fruits and vegetables, a QR code can also be affixed on it, by scanning the QR code, information such as: the origin of farm, cultivation methods, production date and other information can be found immediately.

在新鮮蔬果的包裝上亦可貼上有關產品的QR code,只需掃描一下QR code,包括關於該出品農場的信息、種植方法、生產日期等資料可一一呈現。


Kiwi Fruit Picture QR Code by

Cat Picture QR Code used in Pet Tag!

Have you ever cosidered to create a personalized Picture QR Code for your kitten cat? That means the QR Code with your cat’s photo. When you scan the Picture QR Code, all the information related to your kitten cat can be read immediately. If your cat get lost, someone scan its Picture QR Code will know who is its master and information of your pet. So, come and create one for your kitten cat now!

 Cat Picture QR Code designed by

Pyramid Picture QR Code used in Travel Guide!

Beyond the historical sites and old buildings, you can affix a sign with a QR code, that QR Code can be linked to the introduction of Wikipedia, Youtube videos, and even some historical photographs, in order to introduce the background of the historical building, construction methods and significance of history.

在歷史遺跡和舊建築旁,可在介紹牌上貼上QR code,這個QR Code可連結至維基百科的介紹、Youtube影片,甚至一些歷史圖片,以介紹該歷史建築的背景、建造方法及其歷史意義。

在历史遗迹和旧建筑旁,可在介绍牌上贴上QR code,这个QR Code可连结至维基百科的介绍、Youtube影片,甚至一些历史图片,以介绍该历史建筑的背景、建造方法及其历史意义。


Pyramid Picture QR Code by