Pie & Tart Picture QR Code used in Dessert Menu

QR code can also be printed on the advertisements inside the food magazine, by scanning the QR code, information such as food recipes, cooking demonstration videos and readers’ comments can also be read. Below please find the example:

在飲食雜誌上印上QR code,以連接該款美食的食譜、烹調視頻及並他讀者的評論。請見以下範例:


Pie & Tart Picture QR Code by meftc.com

Ramen Noodles QR Code used in Food Menu

QR code can also be printed on the food menu in the restaurant , by scanning the QR code, information such as food ingredients, cooking demonstration videos and customer’ rating can also be read. Below please find the example:

在餐廳菜譜上印上QR code,以連接該款美食的食材、烹調視頻及並他食客的評分。請見以下範例:


Ramen Noodle QR Code by meftc.com.

Tiramisu Picture QR Code used in dessert menu

Girls usually like dessert! And now, QR code can also be printed on the display card inside the cake shop or dessert menu, by scanning the QR code, information such as cake recipes, bakery demonstration videos and consumers’ comments can also be read. Below please find the example:

女孩總喜歡吃蛋糕甜品,現只需在蛋糕店或甜品店的菜單上印上蛋糕QR code,便能連接該款蛋糕的食譜、製作視頻及並他消費者的評論。請見以下範例:


Tiramisu Picture QR Code by meftc.com

Dog image QR Code used in Pet Shop!

Have you ever cosidered to create a personalized Picture QR Code for your Puppy Dog? That means the QR Code with your puppy’s photo. When you scan the Picture QR Code, all the information related to your puppy dog can be read immediately. If your dog get lost, someone scan its Picture QR Code will know who is its master and information of your pet. So, come and create one for your puppy dog now!

Dog image QR Code by meftc.com

Koala Picture QR Code used in Zoo

A picture QR Code can be placed on the board in the zoo, in which can introduce different kinds of animals, tourists just need to scan the picture QR Code, they will know the habits and breeds of those animals. Let say, we can placed a Koala Picture QR Code next to its cage, if you want to know more details about this Koala, you can scan its code to acquire more informtion about it. Below please find the example:

Koala Picture QR Code will be more eye-catching for the tourists, they will be more willing to scan the Picture QR Code instead of tradition black & white QR Code.

Source: www.meftc.com

Big Buddha Picture QR Code for tour guide

QR code stickers can be affixed on the street lamp or on the building wall, people can simply scan the QR code, it will be directly linked to an interactive map which will know the location, surrounding buildings and traffic conditions, which is a big help for tourists.

在街道燈柱或建築物牆身上可貼上QR code標貼,人們只需掃描QR code便可直接連結到互動地圖,了解身處位置、周邊建築及交通情況,這對遊客而言是一大幫助。

在街道灯柱或建筑物墙身上可贴上QR code标贴,人们只需扫描QR code便可直接连结到互动地图,了解身处位置、周边建筑及交通情况,这对游客而言是一大帮助。


Big Buddha Picture QR Code by meftc.com

Sakura Flower QR Code used in Park

QR code can also be affixed on the posters or billboards in the Park or Garden, tourists just simply scan the QR code, information such as flower details, country of origin, planting methods can be found, which can educate the children. See the following example:

在公園或花園的海報或宣傳牌上貼上QR code,遊人只需掃描QR code便可得知該植物的資訊、產地及種植方法,對小孩而言更有教育意味。以下為使用範例:


Sakura Flower QR Code by Meftc.com

Sphinx (Egypt) QR Code

Beyond the historical sites and old buildings, you can affix a sign with a QR code, that QR Code can be linked to the introduction of Wikipedia, Youtube videos, and even some historical photographs, in order to introduce the background of the historical building, construction methods and significance of history.
在歷史遺跡和舊建築旁,可在介紹牌上貼上QR code,這個QR Code可連結至維基百科的介紹、Youtube影片,甚至一些歷史圖片,以介紹該歷史建築的背景、建造方法及其歷史意義。
在历史遗迹和旧建筑旁,可在介绍牌上贴上QR code,这个QR Code可连结至维基百科的介绍、Youtube影片,甚至一些历史图片,以介绍该历史建筑的背景、建造方法及其历史意义。


Sphinx (Egypt) QR Code by meftc.com