Picture QR Code for Historical Sites

Beyond the historical sites and old buildings, you can affix a sign with a QR code, that QR Code can be linked to the introduction of Wikipedia, Youtube videos, and even some historical photographs, in order to introduce the background of the historical building, construction methods and significance of history.

在歷史遺跡和舊建築旁,可在介紹牌上貼上QR code,這個QR Code可連結至維基百科的介紹、Youtube影片,甚至一些歷史圖片,以介紹該歷史建築的背景、建造方法及其歷史意義。

在历史遗迹和旧建筑旁,可在介绍牌上贴上QR code,这个QR Code可连结至维基百科的介绍、Youtube影片,甚至一些历史图片,以介绍该历史建筑的背景、建造方法及其历史意义。




Japan Building QR Code by meftc.com


Animation QR Code used in Retail Shop

To attract the eye ball of consumers, retail shop can display an Animation QR Code on a billboard or LED TV, by scanning the Animation QR Code, consumers can acquire the information of  promotion details, new products or coupon offers. This Animation QR Code can act as a slide show or motion poster, which can show the new arrivals to the consumers. Below please find the example of Animation QR Code:



Animation QR Code by meftc.com

Coffee Animation QR Code used in Coffee Shop

When you enjoy the delicious coffee, just scanning the QR code printed on the coffee cups, information such as the origin of coffee, production process and costume snacks can be glanced.

在享受香濃味美的咖啡時,只需輕輕掃描印刷在咖啡杯上的QR code,有關該咖啡的產地、調泡方法、配襯小食等資料即可一覽無遺。

在享受香浓味美的咖啡时,只需轻轻扫描印刷在咖啡杯上的QR code,有关该咖啡的产地、调泡方法、配衬小食等资料即可一览无遗。


Coffee Animation QR Code by meftc.com used in Coffee Shop

Noodle QR Code used in Food Menu!

QR code can also be printed on the food menu in the restaurant , by scanning the QR code, information such as food ingredients, cooking demonstration videos and customer’ rating can also be read. Below please find the example:

在餐廳菜譜上印上QR code,以連接該款美食的食材、烹調視頻及並他食客的評分。請見以下範例:


Noodle QR Code by meftc.com.

Rabbit QR Code used in Pet Shop!

A picture QR Code can be placed on the board in the Pet Shop, in which can introduce different kinds of pets, customers just need to scan the picture QR Code, they will know the habits and breeds of those pets. Let say, we can placed a Rabbit QR Code next to its place, if you want to know more details about this Rabbit, you can scan its code to acquire more informtion about it. Below please find the example:

Rabbit image QR Code will be more eye-catching for the customers, they will be more willing to scan the Picture QR Code instead of tradition black & white QR Code.

Rabbit QR Code designed by meftc.com

Flower image QR Code used in Garden

QR code can also be affixed on the posters or billboards in the Park or Garden, tourists just simply scan the QR code, information such as flower details, country of origin, planting methods can be found, which can educate the children. See the following example:

在公園或花園的海報或宣傳牌上貼上QR code,遊人只需掃描QR code便可得知該植物的資訊、產地及種植方法,對小孩而言更有教育意味。以下為使用範例:

Flower image QR Code
Flower image QR Code

Flower image QR Code designed by Meftc.com

Rice QR Code used in Food Menu!

QR code can also be printed on the food menu in the restaurant , by scanning the QR code, information such as food ingredients, cooking demonstration videos and customer’ rating can also be read. Below please find the example:

在餐廳菜譜上印上QR code,以連接該款美食的食材、烹調視頻及並他食客的評分。請見以下範例:

Rice QR Code
Rice QR Code

Rice QR Code by meftc.com.

Pizza QR Code used in Food Menu!

QR code can also be printed on the food menu in the restaurant , by scanning the QR code, information such as food ingredients, cooking demonstration videos and customer’ rating can also be read. Below please find the example:

在餐廳菜譜上印上QR code,以連接該款美食的食材、烹調視頻及並他食客的評分。請見以下範例:

Pizza QR Code
Pizza QR Code

Pizza QR Code designed by meftc.com.